28 years lasting of my bussines career started in 1967 in Turkish Naval Forces as a GYROCOMPASS technician. My professional career started in 03.03.1998 with a company we founded with two shareholders named ZENER MARINE ELECTRONICS. We had serviced on marine electonics field , espicially repair and maintenance of electronic navigation eqipments for six years. Afterwards we decided to end our company and I decided to found a new company in the same bussines field as AKHAN MARINE ELECTRONICS in 01.09.2004. We serve to repair and maintenance of all kinds of electronic navigation equipments. Our technicians have complated Raytheon Anschütz's Radar , GMDSS , Gyro and navigation equipment courses with a succesfuyll degree and have certificate in Kiel , Germany.
Click to see the certificates our company has.
Best Regards
Company Owner